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ArtWorks Program Artist Tanya Steinhausen Holding Exhibition

Garth Homer Society • Aug 19, 2024

Light and colour. It’s what greets you at the door when you visit Garth Homer Society’s ArtWorks studio space in downtown Victoria and what shines through the myriad of pieces created by one of the program’s first participants. Tanya Steinhausen started as a volunteer in 1996 and didn’t know she had any artistic talent until ArtWorks’ staff pointed out her knack for colour and design.

Today she works with a variety of media – from permanent markers to paint, yarn and fabric. “It allows me to express different ways of making things and makes me happy that I’m using my imagination,” says Tanya.

She’s supported in her artistic journey by Garth Homer vocational counsellor Karen Godoy – an artist herself. “It’s my mission to help her to turn her truth and ideas into art,” says Godoy. “Tanya brings her ideas and together we figure out ways to get around barriers in turning her vision into art.”

Often that means considering material or process adaptations. It’s an approach that has successfully led to Tanya’s solo three-month exhibition, through October 21st at the Greater Victoria Public Library Emily Carr branch in Saanich. As part of the Victoria Arts Council’s community satellite program’s approach, artists curate their own showcases and choose their preferred venue. For Tanya that meant selecting a location that she could independently travel to, via transit, and one that was close to her part-time job so that colleagues and friends were able to visit the exhibition.

Laura Dutton, Victoria Arts Council’s director of community programs, says featuring Tanya’s artistic talent was an easy decision to make, “It really stood out to me as something new and special - and I see a lot of work”.

“She is doing such interesting things with her textile work,” explains Dutton. “I think it’s whimsical, fun and interesting, and that’s what stuck out to me originally,” she adds while mentioning the detail and colour work in Tanya’s drawings are standout features as well.

Godoy agrees. “As an artist Tanya is pure happiness. She is vibrant, super high energy and we see it all in her work. She’s really positive.”

For more information about Tanya’s exhibition visit : GVPL Emily Carr – VICTORIA ARTS COUNCIL (

by Guest Contributor 13 Sept, 2024
Managing your finances can be challenging for anyone, but for individuals with disabilities and their families, it can be especially daunting. From covering daily living expenses to planning for the future, costs can add up quickly. Fortunately, there are several financial aids available in British Columbia designed to ease some of these burdens and provide much-needed support. In this blog series, we explore key financial aids that can make a significant difference in the lives of people with disabilities. We’ll cover the Disability Tax Credit (DTC), Persons with Disabilities (PWD) benefits, the Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP), and the services provided by Community Living BC (CLBC). Each support offers unique benefits, and understanding how to access them can help provide financial security and peace of mind. Whether you’re just starting to explore these options or are looking for detailed application guidance, this series provides the information you need to navigate these important resources. Key Financial Supports: Disability Tax Credit (DTC): The Disability Tax Credit (DTC) is a critical financial aid for and individuals with disabilities their families offered by the federal government. This non-refundable tax credit reduces the amount of income tax owed, providing significant tax relief. The DTC also serves as a gateway to other important programs, such as the Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) and the Child Disability Benefit (CDB) . However, despite its importance, the DTC is underutilized. In the 2019 tax year, approximately 1.2 million Canadians claimed the DTC, but estimates suggest that only 40% to 50% of eligible Canadians are accessing this credit. Barriers such as the complexity of the application process may contribute to this lower uptake. For more details, you can refer to the Canada Revenue Agency’s page on the Disability Tax Credit. To qualify a person must have a severe and prolonged impairment in physical or mental functions, as certified by a medical practitioner. Once approved, the DTC can also be transferred to a supporting family member if the person with the disability does not need the full credit. Persons with Disabilities (PWD) Benefits : For adults with disabilities in British Columbia, the Persons with Disabilities (PWD) benefits program offers essential financial support to help cover daily living costs . This includes a monthly payment to assist with expenses like housing, food, and clothing. As of 2021, over 120,000 British Columbians were receiving PWD benefits , reflecting a steady increase in the number of people accessing this support. The program also offers supplementary benefits , such as medical coverage, dental and optical services, and transportation supplements. These benefits are designed to reduce out-of-pocket expenses for necessary services and improve the overall quality of life for recipients. Eligibility for PWD benefits requires meeting specific criteria related to age, residency, and medical diagnosis. Once approved, the support can be a lifeline for those who may have limited income due to their disability. More information , including application forms, can be found on the BC Government’s website. Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP): The Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) is a powerful tool for long-term financial security for individuals with disabilities. It is a savings plan specifically designed to provide future financial stability, with contributions matched by government grants and bonds. Despite its benefits, the RDSP is underutilized. As of 2020, approximately 204,000 RDSP accounts had been opened across Canada, representing only a fraction of the estimated 1.8 million Canadians eligible for the Disability Tax Credit (DTC), which is required to open an RDSP. Many eligible families do not take advantage of this program, often due to a lack of awareness or the perceived complexity of the process. The RDSP is particularly beneficial because the funds within the plan grow tax-free until withdrawal. Government contributions can be substantial, with the Canada Disability Savings Grant (CDSG) matching contributions up to 300%, and the Canada Disability Savings Bond (CDSB) providing additional funds for low-income families. More details on the RDSP and how to apply are available on the Government of Canada’s RDSP page . Community Living BC (CLBC) Services : Community Living BC (CLBC) is a provincial organization that provides vital support services to adults with developmental disabilities in British Columbia. CLBC offers a range of services , including funding for adult day programs, supported employment, residential services, and community inclusion activities. CLBC services are tailored to the individual needs of the person with a disability, ensuring they receive the right support to live as independently and fully as possible. It’s important to start the application process as early as possible, ideally within six months of the applicant turning 19, to avoid gaps in funding and support. Funding is arranged through service agreements with local providers, and eligibility is determined through an intake and assessment process. For families transitioning from high school to adult services, CLBC plays a crucial role in ensuring that the necessary supports are in place. You can learn more and access the application process on the CLBC website . Conclusion: These financial aids and supports are invaluable resources for individuals with disabilities and their families in British Columbia. By understanding and accessing the Disability Tax Credit (DTC), Persons with Disabilities (PWD) benefits, the Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP), and Community Living BC (CLBC) services, you can help alleviate financial pressures and plan for a more secure future.
by Garth Homer Society 15 Feb, 2024
Jenny has had a sign language goal for a little while during her time at Garth Homer. Improving her sign language skills and knowledge is something important to her and her family. Jenny has a good understanding of a few words but has been challenging herself to learn more. This year we are focusing on new words that are common in her daily vocabulary as well as others that might be less common. She is in a sign language group with two friends from the Dreams Team and their teacher Dorothy once a week as well as has her own one-on-one time with a staff to practice new signs once a week. During her time with Dorothy, they focus on signs she knows as well as new ones, so she has time to practice and get comfortable with each word. This is a great time for her and her friends to practice patience, turn taking and listening. They get options to choose the topic and answer questions from Dorothy. Jenny was noticeably more confident in her signs and memory. It used to be that I would show her the sign before she would remember how to do it but now if Dorothy asks her to do a sign Jenny can show it very easily and quickly on her own! It has been great to see her grow and be more confident in her abilities to use these signs. Once a week Jenny and her staff utilize the quiet space in Room #7 and focus on sign language for about 30 minutes. This is a chance for her to choose the signs to practice herself and have no distractions. Her staff will often help hand over hand while she learns the new signs and practices the right movement. This has been a wonderful time to see her expand her vocabulary in a quiet setting. Through her hard work it has been wonderful to witness her using and repeating her signs more in her day-to-day activities. While going through her schedule in the morning with her staff she is practicing the signs for each activity. I have also witnessed her using her signs independently through her days to communicate well with her staff and peers! Jenny is pushing herself and learning lots through these two weekly programs. As a team, we are very excited for what’s to come in her sign language journey.
by Garth Homer Society 15 Feb, 2024
The presented image provides insight into the Mozart Team's essence, emphasising the team's focus on fostering a sense of belonging through the establishment and cultivation of friendships within the community. In particular, the depicted individuals have formed a special bond, mutually contributing to each other's perception as a good friend, a helpful companion, and a kind-hearted individual. This interconnection goes beyond mere camaraderie; it plays a pivotal role in shaping the self-perception of each individual involved. By engaging in reciprocal acts of friendship and support, these interactions afford individuals the opportunity to perceive themselves beyond their behaviours. Consequently, the development of a collective sense of community within the program becomes evident. The camaraderie between these two individuals is notably characterised by their remarkable qualities as friends. Their genuine care and thoughtfulness towards each other serve as a testament to the positive impact of their relationship. Moreover, their shared appreciation for mischievousness and a robust sense of humour creates an environment where laughter and joy become integral components of their interactions.  These instances of mutual understanding and shared joy contribute significantly to the overall ethos of the Mozart Team. They underscore the program's commitment to creating a supportive and inclusive community where individuals not only find companionship but also discover facets of themselves that extend beyond their observable behaviours. The showcased camaraderie exemplifies the team's dedication to building a positive and affirming environment that fosters personal growth and a genuine sense of community among its members..
by Garth Homer Society 15 Feb, 2024
In December 2023, two Individuals affiliated with Discovery participated in a philanthropic initiative by delivering a food donation to the Goldstream Food Bank. The financial resources for this charitable endeavour were derived from the revenue generated by the Discovery team's dual paper routes. The Discovery team, comprising a total of 16 Individuals, engaged in a comprehensive approach to support the community. Utilising the funds from their paper routes, the team collectively embarked on a grocery shopping expedition, purchasing essential items for not only the Goldstream Food Bank but also another local food bank. Furthermore, the team extended their benevolence to GVAC (Greater Victoria Animal Crusaders), demonstrating a broadened commitment to community welfare. Each member of the Discovery group actively participated in the donation process, exhibiting a diverse range of contributions. Some Individuals were involved in the selection and purchase of groceries, while others dedicated their efforts to sorting the items. Additionally, a portion of the team played a crucial role in the logistics, ensuring the timely and efficient delivery of the donations to the designated organisations. The collaborative effort and dedication of all 16 Discovery individuals during this initiative were evident, with each diligently fulfilling their assigned tasks. The collective endeavour not only showcased the team's commitment to social responsibility but also reflected a strong sense of unity and community engagement.  Upon the successful completion of the donation process, a palpable sense of pride permeated the Discovery team. Their collective efforts had made a tangible and positive impact on the local community, reinforcing the significance of collaborative philanthropy and instilling a sense of fulfilment among all participants.
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